CAI Agromec is the union of the Associations to which the agricultural mechanization companies (agro-mechanical) who carry out the activity of contracting mainly in the agriculture sector of the environment and the territory adhere, will be present with their associates in the exhibition part of the event and will carry out field trials with state-of-the-art agricultural machines and machinery, in the land adjacent to the fair, easily accessible from the Exhibition Centre.
The President of Grossetofiere Andrea Masini expresses great satisfaction with the renewed agreement that links the Tuscan Agriculture Fair to one of the most important associations in the agricultural sector present on the national territory.
The 43rd edition of the Madonnino will be richer than ever in content with the presence of many farmers who will also be able to benefit from the other fair that will take place at the same time, the Game Fair.
There are many themes in common between the two fairs, all aimed at respecting the environment and a concept of healthy life, when we talk about Fiera del Madonnino we talk about agriculture in the round, with agricultural machines and machinery, quality agri-food products , of the short chain market with the village of Campagna Amica, of animal husbandry with the major national exhibitions, of agriculture 4.0 with the digital and sustainability pavilion and above all of 40.000 farmers from all over the country.
The combination of Fiera del Madonnino, Game Fair already tested albeit on a smaller scale with great success in the 2021 edition, will certainly be a winner, those who practice agriculture are also lovers of hunting and life in the open air, issues relating to problem of ungulates that paved the way for selection hunting is just one example of the interaction of the two sectors, agriculture and hunting.
23,24,25th April Centro Fiere di Grosseto, 43rd Madonnino Fair + 31st Game Fair an event not to be missed.
CAI Agromec
Outsourcing allows farms, by delegating the mechanizable operations of the production process, to specialized agro-mechanical companies, to make substantial economic-financial savings by optimizing the use of machinery, and also ensures high technical-professional levels in the execution of the interventions.
The agro-mechanical companies today represent a large construction site made up of over 15.000 professional companies, engaged in services to the primary sector for the mechanization operations of the main crops or agricultural production processes, which operates alongside over one million farms.
It represents about 70% of the professional agro-mechanical companies operating on the national territory and engaged in the execution of mechanical workings mainly in the primary activity, in the maintenance of the rural and forest territory, in services, in the care of greenery and the natural environment.
Generally, agro-mechanical companies supply farms with over 40% of the mechanization requirements for processing, in particular for sowing (~65%), treatments (~75%) and harvesting (~85%) and others, which require a high degree of technology and specialization, offered through innovative and cutting-edge machinery of high quality and productivity.
The agro-mechanical companies operating on large surfaces can amortize the cost of the technology more easily, offering the farm, timeliness, quality of work, safety for the operators, for the environment and for the productions. agro-mechanical companies relieve the agricultural entrepreneur of any risk and investment connected with the exercise of mechanisation; all this at contained costs and such as to guarantee the best and by now necessary competitiveness on the market.
In the maintenance of the territory (restoration of roads, maintenance of water courses, care and maintenance of green areas) and of the natural environment (separate collection, waste management, environmental restoration and requalification) the agro-mechanics guarantee timeliness, safety, economy and professionalism . Structured on a territorial level with provincial associations (52) and regional federations (6), it is present in Tuscany in all the provinces with services and union representation”.