Caldwell manufactures the Lead Sled DFT rest, which can be used with all long, smooth and rifled guns, as well as with short guns. Its versatility, strength and stability are the three main features of the Lead Sled DFT.
The new rest for shotgun "Lead sled”, Produced and marketed by Caldwell, is a very stable, compact, robust and very well built support base. The structure of the Caldwell Lead Sled DFT it consists of a double tubular steel frame in black painted in fire, to which is anchored a double tray suitable in the lower part, which acts as a container for bags with ballast weights. Through the latter, the recoil is significantly reduced by up to 90% to give the Lead Sled DFT greater stability: this, consequently, makes the use of weapons with particularly sustained recoil less stressful. In the upper part of the frame, on the other hand, the fixed type football rest was fixed, created with a very sturdy and padded synthetic material bag.
In the front we find the actual rest, fully adjustable. By working on the handwheel placed in command of the central screw, the front bag is lowered or raised in the desired position, for a maximum excursion of about 7 cm. The bag can be adjusted to better adapt it to the width of the front forend or the stock, depending on the type. For this last operation it is sufficient to act on the screws of the side brackets with an Allen key.
In addition, the block containing the bag provides for the possibility of adjustment for the drift through the rotation of a knob. An elevation fixing lever acts as a lock in position for the elevation. One of the most intriguing peculiarities of Caldwell Lead Sled DFT it concerns the fact that the whole rest block can be moved along the two tubular guides present on the accessory, in order to adapt more appropriately to the type of rifle or rifle to be used.
Through this adjustment, the rest is very flexible to the point that it can also be used with short guns, provided they have a fairly long barrel. The use of handguns with the Caldwell Lead Sled DFT however, it is limited. In this case, it is necessary to widen the jaws for fixing the stock to leave free the moving mechanisms such as, for example, the carriage of the semiautomatic pistols. If, on the other hand, a revolver is the protagonist of the situation, it is highly recommended to cover the bag with a piece of leather or other fireproof material, in order to avoid setting the front bag on fire with the flame coming out of the gap.
Il rest it has a wide base with large rubber feet that increase its stability and participate in the absorption of recoil. The rear foot, also adjustable, has a stroke of about 2 cm, very convenient for further leveling operations of the rest. The Caldwell Lead Sled DFT is very versatile, as it can be used with all long, smooth and rifled guns, as well as with short guns.