Il hunting calendar of Emilia Romagna as far as the season is concerned 2016-2017 was the main topic of the meeting in which Federcaccia Ravenna made his voice heard clearly and unequivocally. The Grand Hotel Mattei of the Romagna city hosted the last 11th April the representatives of the local section of the federation, some regional councilors and a lot of public. In particular, the process, to say the least troubled, of the new regional hunting calendar.
For example, in the beginning consultations with hunting associations were culpably avoided, only to recover gradually and in a manner defined as "acceptable". Among the contingent aspects was the initiation of wild boar selection hunting, scheduled for April 15, with an initial proposal to dismiss what was needed for the taking of ungulates in general, a request that went unheeded.
The assembly of Federcaccia Ravenna represented an important moment to highlight the detachments within the hunting world during the approval process of the calendar itself. Such a situation is not auspicious in view of the next commitments, primarily the modification of the Regional Law number 8, namely the regional wildlife plan. Nor should we forget the changes to be made to the hunting regulations in the “pre-park” areas. The Ravenna section is ready to face the appointments with strength and competence.
There were also some important references to associations of the agricultural sector, useful to underline the importance of the presence of hunters for the control of the species that cause damage to crops. The final intervention was entrusted to Stefano Merighi, president of Federcaccia Emilia Romagna, according to whom the next appointments are fundamental for the future of hunting: Merighi also wished for a radical change of attitude on the part of the Region.