The worrying Italian average
The OK to the wolf's status transition from “strictly protected” to “protected” arrived today from the Permanent Committee of the Bern Convention is clearly important. It recognizes the European Union's proposal and opens the way to a more balanced Habitats Directive, responding to the evidence of the facts: in Europe, in the last ten years, the number of wolves has grown by 81% and Italy records an average of almost 9 thousand animals preyed on each year. This was stated by the national president of Cia-Agricoltori Italiani, Cristiano Fini, who reiterates the urgency of balancing the protection of the species with the protection of livestock farms, especially in the internal and mountainous areas of the country.
State of conservation
For Cia, therefore, today's vote - which also represents the first yes from the Council of Europe to less protection for the wolf - confirms the validity of the adaptation path undertaken, considering the notable improvement in the conservation status of the species, and above all supported by an accurate collection of data on European territory and in Italy also by the Confederation. "The proliferation of wolves now only needs to be managed - adds Fini - and the construction of a new balance between man and nature is increasingly crucial if we consider the strategic role for the maintenance and development of rural areas, represented by our livestock farming and local communities".
Double objective
“We therefore hope that there will be no second thoughts on the part of at least 17 countries that have ratified the Convention - concludes Fini - to allow it to enter into force within three months, presumably on 7 March 2025. Finally, it is important to clarify that with the wolf as a “protected” species, member states would be asked to continue to ensure its survival, but by intervening to prevent significant damage to crops and livestock. Only through a balanced approach, which combines the protection of biodiversity with support for rural communities, can the survival of these territories and their value for future generations be guaranteed” (source: CIA).