“The operations of containment of wild boars in the area of Euganean Hills they must go on regularly, without stopping ”. The appeal is launched by Cia-Italian Farmers Padua following the checks carried out by the Nas of Padua on the activities of the selecontrollers: everything in order, now we have to proceed even faster than before. “These monitoring by the competent authorities confirm that the path taken regarding the capture of ungulates is the right one - Clarifies the president of Cia Padova, Roberto Betto-. Farmers are not interested in the issue of slaughtering these animals, which must still be carried out following the appropriate rules.
Farmers, on the other hand, are concerned in terms of wildlife management. Reason why we strongly support the amendment of law 157 of 1992, Rules for the protection of wildlife ”. In practice, “the legislation governing the matter must be changed in order to achieve a point of balance, in the context of a biodiversity that provides for a natural coexistence of the different varieties of fauna ".
“The measures adopted by the Region to deal with the chronic emergency of wild boars go in the correct direction - concludes Betto-. However, they are still insufficient. The next step must be the regularization, with a permanent contract, of all the authorized selecontrollers of Veneto Agricoltura. We will fight in the right places to make this happen in a very short time "(Source CIA).