A start with a bang
“Well begun is half done.” So goes the popular saying derived from a verse by the Roman poet Horace. If you look closely, the excellent start of the Winter Regional Championships of 2025 opens the new season under the best auspices. In the first weekend of the year, six Regions have scheduled competitions for the seasonal territorial circuits of Olympic Trench, Universal Trench and Compak, and 1.406 shooters have competed in the thirteen scheduled competitions.
The greatest presences
The Region with the highest number of attendees and six competitions was Lombardy. In total, 677 Lombard shooters took advantage of the long Epiphany weekend to give free rein to their passion for sport. The second Region for number of attendees in the two scheduled competitions was Piedmont with 231 shooters on the platform.
Great satisfactions
Scrolling through the participation data we find Campania with 190 shooters in a single competition, Umbria with 172 in two competitions, Marche with 113 in one competition and Valle D'Aosta with 23 in a single competition. A great start to the year that, we are sure, will continue to give us great satisfaction. The appointment is already set for next weekend and in the next few days we will update you on the locations in the different Regions (source: FITAV).