It seemed that by now the problems relating to the management of wild boar in the Marche region would have come to an end thanks to the start of the selection hunt for this animal species. Unfortunately, however, it seems that things are not going as planned. A decrease in the number of hunters compared to the beginning of these hunts has been found in these days but this is not the only problem.
In fact, it seems that the greatest number of wild boar species are not found in the areas intended for this selection hunt and that for this reason everyone's efforts would be in vain. In fact, wild boars can be found inside the Gola della Rossa Park. There are many cultivated fields on the borders of this park that have been damaged by wild boars.
If we also consider that this is the sowing period, it is easy to understand that the expected damage is undoubtedly greater. The Gola della Rossa Park is obviously a protected area that has not been included in the areas used for selection hunting.
Coldiretti Ancona really asks that it be possible to hunt also in this territory to try to definitively solve a problem that now recurs continuously. Coldiretti also asks to intervene as soon as possible on the hunting law and to guarantee adequate compensation.