Situation out of control
“Despite the start of selective hunting, coordinated by the Regional Technical-Scientific Observatory of Natural Habitats and Faunistic Populations of the Molise, the damage to agriculture is increasingly significant, road accidents caused by these wild animals are increasing and the spectre of swine fever is upon us”. This is what Coldiretti Molise says, adding that “years of complaints, demonstrations to ask for incisive measures” have not had the desired effect, with farmers “still on the barricades” who “brand the regional hunting policy and the management system implemented so far as insufficient”.
Parks and protected areas
"We ask - explains the organization - that the law and regulations of the sector be revised immediately, implementing the new national regulations that provide for extraordinary control activity throughout the regional territory, including parks and protected areas and without any impediment from Ispra. For all this time we have continued to reason as if selection were another type of hunting activity and not as an action of environmental rebalancing".
Lack of attention
"Now we need an urgent activation of what is provided for by national legislation to try to remedy a situation to which neither the Territorial Hunting Areas (ATC) nor the Region have been able to pay due attention in recent years. It is no longer tolerable that the competent bodies continue to procrastinate, or worse still to hinder, in addressing this emergency".