Agriculture-wildlife coexistence
With Decree of the Director of the Agriculture and Rural Development Directorate no. 03 of 09 January 2025, in implementation of DGR 2032 of 30/12/2024, the call for tenders was approved Marche region on the 2025 financial years of Intervention SRD04 – Action 1 – Category 1.7 “Investments to improve the coexistence between agriculture, livestock farming and wildlife, including ungulates (wild boars and deer) and species of community interest protected by Dir. 92/43/EEC (wolf, lynx, brown bear and golden jackal)”.
Coldiretti Marche's position
“For years we have been defending farmers from a system that, although born with the best intentions of collegiality, had ended up creating small fiefdoms of self-referential power – comments Maria Letizia Gardoni, president of Coldiretti Marche -. All to the detriment of the legitimate requests of farmers forced to count the damages of wild fauna incursions and to hear them contested, being among other things in the minority within the management committees of the ATCs”. Situations that had triggered real tug-of-war with recourse to the administrative courts in the ATCs PU1 and AN2, now under special administration. The agricultural organization had repeatedly highlighted the need for reform, although there were also ATCs that worked seriously and regularly. The settlement of all damages up to 2024 seems to be a prelude to this.
Game processing
“Soon there will be a receivership of all the ATCs – adds Alberto Frau, director of Coldiretti Marche – in view of the adoption of the single statute. The Region, among other things, at our suggestion, is also ready to launch a new compensation system with a new telematic model. By entering the data in the Siar, the timing can be significantly shortened”. Not only that. The Region is also looking ahead to the selective hunting system. Two collection points are planned for each province. Meat that can then be taken to Caccamo where the Game Processing Center managed by Urca, the Regional Hunters Union of the Apennines, is already operational. The enhancement of the game supply chain is also an idea of Coldiretti Marche to combine the containment of wild fauna through the action of select hunters with the possibility of providing greater food safety to consumers with certified and traced meat and avoiding poaching and a black market that could in some cases be unclear.