Threats and complaints
The mouflons present atGiglio Island continue to be a pressing topic. Animalists and environmentalists are loudly contesting the culling of these specimens, promising appeals and other legal measures, but it was the Tuscan Archipelago Park itself that explained what is happening in this area of Tuscany. President Giampiero Sammuri spoke through the newspaper "La Nazione".
The words of the park authority
Sammuri underlined how the mouflon hunt at Giglio began last October 15th and is destined to end next March. Furthermore, according to the president, the killing of ungulates outside the park must be considered normal. Then there is a further detail that must be taken into account.
ISPRA's opinion
In fact, the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) has provided its favorable opinion on the eradication of mouflons, consequently no great reasons can be invoked to contest this activity. However, it is safe to bet that the "episodes" of this story are not yet over.