The petition on
COSPA Abruzzo launches a petition to make environmental associations pay for damages to agriculture and road accidents caused by wildlife. For years, agriculture has suffered damage from wildlife that is protected by environmentalists. The WWF and other similar organizations receive a significant percentage of our taxes through the 5×1000, but we farmers are left to bear the costs of animal intrusion into our fields. It is not right that these organizations benefit so much at the expense of citizens. I propose the petition so that the damages are paid by those who promote the campaign against hunting and the authors of the reintroduction of alien fauna, it is time that these organizations take responsibility towards farmers and motorists for the damage caused by fauna.
Damage to crops
According to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, wildlife damage to agricultural property is a major issue in many parts of the world, including Italy. In 2019, crop damage by wild animals cost Italian farmers more than €120 million. Shouldn’t these expenses be borne by taxpayers? Farmers provide food for wildlife and environmentalists protect it, but who will support farmers?
The need for signature
It is time for WWF and other environmental organizations to start paying out of their own pockets since they receive about 7 million euros a year. We call on the government to take concrete measures to compensate environmental associations and their supporters for the damages. We recognize the importance of animal protection, but it should not be done at the expense of those who work hard to feed our country. Thank you for listening to my story and for your support. Please sign this petition to ask the government for an immediate legislative act to protect agriculture and the citizens who live in our mountains (source: COSPA Abruzzo).