The protagonist of the accident
The Veneto Region will compensate for the damage caused to the car of a 58-year-old from Preganziol (province of Treviso), involved in an accident with a deer while he was driving. The reasons were made known by Il Gazzettino which examined in depth the sentence with which the Court of Venice condemned the local authority. The facts in question refer to 2021.
The facts in detail
The collision between the wild animal and the vehicle occurred in the middle of winter, to be precise in Borca di Cadore (Belluno). Shortly before 19:00 p.m., the animal suddenly jumped into the middle of the road, hitting the car and damaging the side, headlight and mirror for a total of 5300 euros. This is exactly the amount that the Region will have to pay, in addition to 2800 euros for legal costs and other fees.
The judges' motivations
The judges were pushed in this direction by some details. The driver was proceeding regularly in compliance with the limit of 70 kilometers per hour, furthermore the road was not lit and there were no danger signals to warn of ungulates. At the same time, there had not even been a fence to prevent the invasion of the roadway.