Mr Barbara Mazzali, regional councilor of Lombardy (Brothers of Italy) has participated in the live broadcast of "Hunting House" to deepen some of the most pressing issues on hunting activities. Here are his words: “We touched on many topics, including ISPRA And I have provided some data, including the cost that this body has for taxpayers: approx 140 million euros a year, 8 for rent and 20 for consultancy.
In the matter of hunting in derogation, the body appointed by law to indicate the method for determining the small quantities in the matter of derogation withdrawals (article 19 bis law 157/92). Unfortunately this does not happen, as, according to Ispra, the data would be lacking. Too bad that it is the institution itself that has to provide them!
In this way the Regions are placed in serious difficulty under the legislative aspect, because useful and precise norms cannot be drawn up without having all the means to judge. And so it also comes to the damage that, due to the lack of data provided by ISPRA, the infringement procedures launched by the European Union begin ".