The official dates
After the last selection days which took place on Monday 23rd, Saturday 31st September and Sunday 1st October at the Collacchioni Federal Zone, in the province of Arezzo, the list of presenters who will represent Italy at the next World Championships to be held in Rugvica, Croatia from 24 to 27 October has been completed.
The final preparations
Great enthusiasm and high expectations for the Italian team in view of this important competition. Right now the entire Sports Commission of Federcaccia with Aldo Pompetti, National Coordinator, Luigi Chiappetta, Vice Delegate and Coordinator, Maurizio Masiero, Technical Commissioner, Cosimo Colucci, Fabrizio Muccioli, Claudia Sansone, Gian Luca Dall'Olio and Domenico Coradeschi, is preparing the final preparations in view of the departure of the Italian delegation.
Best wishes from the Hunting Federation
A big “good luck!” to our athletes also from the National President of Federcaccia Massimo Buconi on behalf of the entire Federation. “After the excellent results of last year I am sure that our representation will be able to do itself proud also in this edition” - declared Buconi. “Therefore I want to extend a big 'good luck' to all the competitors, and a heartfelt thanks to the Federcaccia Dog Commission and its collaborators for the great work done in recent months”.