Thanks to the good work and commitment of the Apulian hunting world, the president of the Regional Council of Puglia Michele Emiliano signed the Ordinance that allows dog lovers to train their auxiliaries. With immediate effect, until May 17, 2020, dog owners and carers are allowed to provide for them individually to their training and training, exclusively in areas authorized for training, within the territory of the Puglia Region, in compliance with the safety rules relating to the containment of the contagion from Covid-19 and ensuring that the interpersonal safety distance of one meter is respected. Thanks to the regional president of FIdC Puglia John Ciccarese, who followed the issue closely and relentlessly until its positive conclusion
Journalist. Born in Rome in 1982. Many passions, including that for the environment, the territory and rurality, developed thanks to holidays in the Umbria-Marche Apennines and the stories of local hunters. He dedicated part of his studies to agriculture and "green" economics.
Containment operations The Municipality of Collesano has also unanimously approved the agreement for support in the containment operations of wild ungulates in the territory of the Madonie Park. The municipal council of the Madonie center, in recent days, has in fact...
A drastic decision We report one of the latest social posts by Eleonora Evi, a PD deputy: "Giulia Innocenzi's report last night on Report, as always, helps us shed light where there are shadows. Since the previous...
Dog handlers The Italian National Dog Breeding Association (ENCI) has announced to its members that the Regional Administrative Court for Lazio has issued its ruling on the appeal filed by Silvia Paoletti, Raffaele Pozzi and the Italian Single Trade Union of Dog Handlers against...
Farms decimated In pig breeding companies, there remains high concern about the possible spread of Psa, African swine fever, which has decimated 120.000 pigs to date. In the North, the virus has hit Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria and...
The Chivasso case Coldiretti Torino expresses solidarity with the farmer affected by avian flu in the municipality of Chivasso. But the president of Coldiretti Torino, Bruno Mecca Cici, specifies: «The case of avian flu found in a poultry farm in Chivasso must not...
Last year's demonstrations The Sicilian Region has approved the wildlife containment plan as proposed after the demonstrations in front of Palazzo d'Orlando. The wildlife management plan approved today by the Regional Council...
Another "episode" In the Corriere della Sera, the well-known journalist Beppe Severgnini has delved into the issue of Donald Trump Junior, son of the current American president and who ended up in the news for duck hunting in the Venetian Lagoon. Just today the...
The fundamental requirements In reference to what was stated by the regional councilor Andrea Zanoni regarding the administrative procedure for the issuing of the hunting license in favor of foreign citizens with foreign residence, it is highlighted that the regional offices have followed what...
Successful initiative Fondazione UNA – Uomo, Natura, Ambiente – announces the overall results of the third edition of its most representative project, Operazione Paladini del Territorio, which in 2024 involved over 6000 volunteers in 15...
Location and date of the event Saturday 15 February from 8.30 to 15.30 at the Sala Carlo Urbani in Monte San Vito (Ancona), an interesting conference on the ecoradar technique will take place, organized by Acma, Ucim – FIdC sectorial – and by the FIdC...
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