CIA and Confagricoltura are also convinced of the fact that it is not necessary to endlessly chase the "extreme thrusts of some hunting representations", judged good at defending their corporate interests. The press release puts on paper a very specific complaint, given that these same representations were invited not to waste time with wasteful and useless discussions on the hunting calendar as far as the season is concerned 2016-2017. More than anything else they should start a constructive comparison on the reform of the regional law on the subject, as this legislative text needs more than ever a profound review, so as to give more functionality and efficiency to the Territorial Areas of Hunting.
The two confederations also hope that substantial compliance with the instruments for is guaranteed in Emilia Romagna plan at the regional level: in a nutshell, we are referring to how to fix the fauna density and the limits to the intensity of the damage that the agricultural sector is forced to suffer passively without being able to intervene. The conclusions of the official note are equally peremptory. In fact, the CIA and Confagricoltura have highlighted the problems of hunting management in a correct relationship with the environment and agricultural activity are very different from the “sterile controversies of these days that have to do with the hunting calendar”.
The last wish is that of see finally given due consideration to the requests that have been forwarded by the agricultural world. Just a month ago the Reggio Emilia section of the Italian Federation of Hunting organized a conference to deepen the rights and duties of hunters, with particular reference to the innovative role of hunting associations. The awareness that collaboration and mutual respect are fundamental has therefore been around for some time, now we are also waiting for a concrete response to finally pass from words to deeds.