After the change of "course" by theISPRA about the sampling of turdidae la Lega North urged the Emilia Romagna region to immediately change the hunting calendar. The request came from the councilor Massimiliano Pompignoli: the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research has changed the approach regarding the pre-nuptial migration of song thrush and cesena, with the start that was postponed to the third decade of January and Pompignoli reiterated the point of view of the regional councilor for hunting, Simona Caselli.
For the League there are now no more excuses, given that the note from the Institute makes it practicable closing of the hunting game for turdids on January 31st. According to Pompignoli, the same request was denied last year due to different interpretations and more flexible timetables that were in force in neighboring regions.
The Northern League underlined how only time is wasted and how the hunters were promptly ignored on this subject, so much so that the scientific data of the hunting associations have been ignored. Pompignoli then asked for the modification of the hunting calendar, risking the extension to the last day of January also for what concerns the woodcock.