Dog Qualifications
For the participation of Breeders with affix in the annual Breeding, Exhibition and Trial Trophies, starting from the current year it is no longer necessary to transmit to theENCI photocopies of the dog qualification booklets. Through the ENCI website, by entering "Manifestazioni ed Eventi" the Breeder can access the Trophy of interest by entering his/her credentials.
Calculating the scores
The computer application allows you to view the calculation of the scores obtained by each dog of your breeding and to verify whether the qualifications and/or certificates obtained are compliant. All Italian Breeders who own the affix can compete. The Breeder can count the qualifications obtained in events recognized by theENCI and organized in Italy, and the Italian qualifications obtained abroad. The same, obtained at the same time by the subject (e.g. ECC. CAC, CACIB or ECC. CAC, CACIT), are not cumulative. The breeder cannot compete with subjects of different breeds.
EXHIBITION (International, National, Gatherings)
1) Sheepdogs and cattle dogs (excluding cattle dogs)
2) Pinscher and Schnauzer type dogs,
molossoids and Swiss mountain dogs;
3) Terrier;
4) Dachshunds;
5) Spitz and primitive type dogs;
6) Hounds and bloodhounds;
7) Pointing dogs;
8) Retrievers, flushing dogs and water dogs;
9) Pet dogs;
10) Greyhounds.
TESTS (CAC up for grabs)
• Sheepdogs: a. military – b. civilian;
• Pinscher and schnauzer type dogs;
• Terriers;
• Dachshunds;
• Hounds and bloodhounds;
• Italian continental pointing dogs;
• Foreign continental pointing dogs;
• British Pointing Dogs;
• Retrievers and spaniels;
• Greyhounds.