EPS Campania asks the Provincial Administrations to evaluate the advance of the training / training period for pointing, hunting and following hunting dogs.
The Game Producers Authority, Campania Regional Section, Dog-hunting sector, following the regional legislation referred to in art. 24 paragraph 5 of LR 09 August 2012 n. 26 and subsequent amendments and additions, "The training of pointing dogs, hunting and following is allowed, in the territories where there is no ban on hunting and there are no crops in place, in the period allowed for hunting, excluding days of hunting silence. The Provinces, with a provision of the Council, may authorize the advance up to forty-five days, with the exception of Tuesdays and Fridays, of dog training activities in limited areas after having ascertained the absence of specimens of wildlife in the nesting or nesting phase. dependence of the offspring on the parents. "; - which acknowledges the sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 303 published in the Official Journal on 18-12-2013, read in conjunction with Campania Region Hunting Calendar 2014-2015, referred to in GR resolution no. 207 of 23/06/2014, formally asked all the Provincial Administrations of Campania, to adopt all the most useful and appropriate legal provisions in order to allow the possibility of anticipating the training / training of pointing, hunting and follow-up dogs. , (in advance up to forty-five days before the opening of the hunting activity) with respect to the period allowed for the hunting activity, set, by law, on the third Sunday of September.
This activity is traditionally carried out in the early hours of the morning in relation to the high temperatures typical of the summer period, we read in the note, therefore, in harmony with what is also recommended by ISPRA, furthermore this early start would benefit the well-being of the dog. allowing him to gradually get used to the activity after months of forced rest. That, again, the training and training of dogs could constitute a valid aid, if not considered, even, preparatory to carrying out censuses of sedentary wildlife, it should not be forgotten that the collection of pheasant species (Phasianus colchius) and common hare (Lepus europaeus), in Campania, is subject to a sampling plan, respectively prepared by the AA.TT.CC. and by the Provinces.
In the Province of Benevento, Liberacaccia and ANUU Migratoristi have also sent the organization, in recent days, a request aimed at evaluating the opportunity to advance dog training. We hope, that in the next few days, something will move …… .finally !!!!
We remain confident
EPS CAMPANIA Regional Secretariat
(17 July 2014)