We report what has been published on social networks by Regional Federcaccia of Lombardy: "...BEWARE OF FAKE NEWS… The news rages on Whatsapp that the hunt has been suspended until 7 October. The news is false: some Frescone has circulated the news of September 2021 relating to last season. The appeal on the 2022/23 calendar Lombardy will be discussed on 8 September and until then there will be no news on the calendar. We also remind you that any significant news is officially given by FIDC. We therefore invite hunters to check news that they receive at random and without signature: they only serve to create panic and unnecessary questions (The FIDC Regional President - Avv. Lorenzo Bertacchi).
Immediate activation With the latest Commissioner Ordinance signed by the Extraordinary Commissioner for PSA Giovanni Filippini we must point out that even in our Region serious conditions of hardship have been created – certainly avoidable with better coordination between the institutional parties...
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