The controversy over the fallow deer in the Ravenna pine forest continues; a real scourge for the environment and for all the indirect problems that their presence creates. The local nature guide Menotti Passerella is fighting for this initiative. The AIW fully shares its position on the fact that fallow deer must be eradicated, whatever the method, including that of killing them by shooting as has already been done for the most part for those present in the nearby Bosco della Mesola (and as in the USA it happens regularly in many National Parks – we say, National Parks! – where to protect rare species of flora and entire biotopes from the damage of an excess of Deer, those of the well-known “Bambi”, to be clear; and it happens with the same method!) . Obviously in Italy this decision is opposed by animal rights activists (but it is nothing new that they don't care about biodiversity and all other living species: for them there are only animals, large species, and the more domestic they are the better !).
The AIW also agrees with Passerella's proposal to possibly replace them with the deer from the dunes of the Mesola wood, a truly native animal and also at risk of disappearing. In fact, the fallow deer is a non-indigenous species and therefore represents environmental pollution, which, moreover, seems to cause considerable damage to the indigenous flora of the pine forests. After all, it's the same problem as the moufflons on Giglio Island, the same problem and the same scientific motivation and… the same obtuse opposition from animal rights activists who still haven't understood the abyss between nature conservation and love for animals!
- The wolf has also appeared in the Po Delta (but this is no wonder: it has appeared in every corner of Italy, whether they are wild areas or agricultural plains: the habitat has nothing to do with it, the wolf goes where it can find to eat; and being many, they go everywhere, including urban centres!). The usual wolf lovers were unleashed in his support and immediately defined him The dog Wolf, with no evidence that it is. Because the wolf certainly is, that it belongs to the beautiful southern subspecies is yet to be demonstrated. They also immediately praised the fact that it feeds on nutria, and that in doing so it contributes to the natural balance. Too bad that nutria is an animal that should be exterminated as a non-native species and also harmful to canals and waterways and agriculture. But if it serves the wolf, let's be sure it will become Honorary indigenous species to be protected! Animal rights activists reason in this way in their arrogance of knowing how to do better than what the Creator has established. They then wrote that wolf packs are made up of only 5 or 6 individuals, denying all sightings of packs made up of dozens of specimens (whose members have evidently not read the manuals of naturalists!)! Of course, because for wolf lovers what is written in naturalistic manuals counts: all theory and little or no practice!
- Now even the Mayors are taking the time to consider themselves experts of the Marsican Bear! There are now more bear "experts" than bears! It is enough to have read four things, especially the "sacred" texts of the authorities, to consider oneself such, and to consider the one disseminated by the authorities to be sacrosanct truth - when it is well known that often the truth lies elsewhere, as there is no authority that recognizes the errors , or that does not emphasize victories. A bit like autobiographies, which if they have historiographical value due to the direct voice of the protagonist, are almost always mendacious, omissive, mystifying and self-referential. In fact, according to the Mayor of Capracotta (upper Molise) the sighting of a Marsican bear in those parts (which is not really a novelty!) would be a sign of the "extraordinary quality of the environment" of that area (actually, extraordinary as is that of all Abruzzo and Molise!) and the good state of health of the population; the fact that once it lived much more abundantly in the historic borders of the National Park and in restricted areas is irrelevant: the presence of bears in external areas is never a sign of disbandment of the population, but a sign of growth! And, the icing on the cake, the Mayor is launching a challenge for next spring: "to make communities more and more bear-friendly"! Only he knows what he means…, as if Abruzzo and Molise had never been bear-friendly despite being in those communities that he survived!
- And what about ISPRA and its reports on the wolf? All by no means super-partes, indeed, well aligned on the side of the wolf. It would be the case that this public body went to take lessons from its much more experienced counterpart Fish and Wildlife Service American, where it is often this body in charge of faunal problems that establishes the excessive presence of animals (predators and/or protected or not) and establishes their reduction and/or number control. Let's take the latest Ispra report on the damage caused by wolves to farmers, which concludes with the following proposals, all in favor of the wolf: «prevention to reduce predation and damage», and an invitation to «increase the protection of the world zootechnical to improve the coexistence between wolves and humans and the overall quality of our ecosystems". That is, never say, not even between the lines, that perhaps reducing the number of wolves could be the first thing to do and the solution to achieve all this! The farmers always pay, also because while reporting, and almost extolling, the amount of damages paid, the report does not tell us how much they were paid. Because if it is never 100% REAL (that is, also counting the indirect and moral damages that farmers and shepherds suffer!) for farmers it is always a defeat, a damage suffered and, consequently, an ill-concealed anger with all the consequences of case!