A single movement
The Italian Hunting Federation with the UNA Foundation – Man, Nature, Environment – together with the European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) and the hunting associations Enalcaccia and Arcicaccia, announces the launch of Game Meat Week, a European-level campaign to promote the game meat which will take place from 4 to 11 November 2024 with the aim of bringing together in one movement all those interested in the world of wild meat, from field to table. Through a week of engagement on social media, Game Meat Week aims to carry out a broad work of awareness among the public, including the general public, regarding the environmental, nutritional and cultural benefits of game meat.
Disclosure and valorization
A position expressed by FACE, of which Federcaccia – as well as Enalcaccia – is a member, aligned with that of Fondazione UNA, which for years has been actively involved in an activity of dissemination and valorization of game meat, especially through the Selvatici e Buoni project, born in 2017 to promote and stimulate the creation of a healthy and sustainable supply chain of wild meats, also capable of generating employment and economic benefits for the communities and territories involved. "The promotion of the consumption of game meat among the large group of non-hunters is one of the many initiatives in which Federcaccia, alone or in collaboration with other Associations, has been involved for some time. A common initiative at European level that goes in this same direction is therefore welcome - declared the national President of Federcaccia Massimo Buconi - 74% of Italians already say they consume game-based dishes when they have the opportunity and over half say that if it were easy to find it they would be interested in buying it for regular consumption. The acceptance and valorization of hunting by society also passes through the table”.
How to participate in Game Meat Week
“As Fondazione UNA we believe in a sustainable hunting model, which protects biodiversity and the health of the ecosystem, and is able to be a positive element in the economic and social fabric of the territories through the promotion of a regulated wild meat supply chain,” commented Maurizio Zipponi, President of Fondazione UNA. “FACE’s Game Meat Week is a valuable initiative, and we are sure that it will contribute to raising awareness of the positive role of hunting in the conservation and management of wildlife.” To participate in Game Meat Week, through its social channels, FACE invites you to use the official hashtag, #GameMeatWeek, for any content produced on the topic, and to follow the Federation’s official profiles (source: FIDC).