Hunting is going through a very difficult time but the hunters' commitment continues at the same pace. The Borgosatollo Federcacciatori have made themselves available to help Moglia (MN), a town heavily hit by the earthquake last May. After evaluating the priorities and the numerous requests for help, which increase every day, the decision to help the schools of the municipality was unanimously adopted by the council of the municipal section.
After contacting the local councilors, in charge of relations with the associations, with the heads of the schools and with the representatives of the parents, they were asked to verify what the schools needed. The need has therefore emerged to put the computer room, which is now a primary subject for our children, back in order, and to make thirteen computers available.
The Federcacciatori immediately got busy and within two weeks they delivered the computers, on Friday XNUMX December, together with the Councilor of the municipality of Moglia, Rossella Capisani, directly to the temporary headquarters of the lower secondary school.
"We were delighted to have been able to fulfill, even if in a very small part, one of the needs that these people have - specifies the President of Federcaccia Borgosatollo Angelo Zanardini - we were able to see with our eyes how many needs still exist and with how much will, firmness and dignity are all working while waiting for the institutions to do their part ”, concludes the President.
In addition, the Federcacciatori, in their own municipality, contributed with the children of the nursery schools to celebrate the "Saint Lucia", they participated together with the Banca BCC to reward the first grade secondary school pupils who came out with a grade of ten, and finally they helped the local Civil Protection to make small changes to their headquarters.
Once again it is demonstrated how the hunters, with their passion, demonstrate their solidarity with the outside world.
12 December 2012
Hunting Federation