The regional councilors of the group do not like it 5 Stars the decision taken by the majority to allocate 600 thousand euros in three years for the maintenance and conservation of Lombard roccoli. For the grillini, this money would be wasted on the roccoli which, according to them, it no longer makes sense to keep. For Federcaccia Brescia, on the other hand, not only the desire to preserve the roccoli is more than acceptable but we believe that the roccoli must be preserved as we are convinced that they must be reopened to supply the hunters with live lures.
However, in the face of this strong attack on our traditions and our culture by the 5Stelle, a hunting association, in its weekly column, attacks Federcaccia Brescia finding nothing better to do than comment on the work of our Assembly. According to this association Federcaccia Brescia would have lowered the white flag on the subject derogations, considered by us "impossible" as we would consider our hunting traditions "not even a right because it is in contrast with national and European rules". The position of Federcaccia Brescia and Lombardia on the subject is clear: the changes made to thearticle 19 bis the Renzi Government and the Minister Galletti made it substantially impossible to apply the levy in derogation to the species subject to the hunting traditions of Brescia.
If this were not the case, why in the face of the requests presented every year by the Lombardy Region then you never get to anything? Why do governments and ministers always accept the opinions of Ispra and never the requests of the regions? Politics in recent years has condemned local hunting traditions to decline, we know names and surnames; if it wasn't for the laws and resolutions of the Regions of the last 20 years we would have already doomed our traditional hunts to oblivion. Instead, we must ask national politics for a reversal of the trend by supporting those who defend the specificities of the territory, including hunting. The ability to defend the hunting of the other hunting association maybe we talk about it in the next Cacciapensieri, because to list what Federcaccia does with facts and not with words, a few lines are needed.
It seems to me that the roccoli are private structures and that the owners of these are not people with a minimum pension; if they want to keep them in order, do so at their own expense!
Even if I don't agree with the grill idea; here I can't blame him completely!