New database
The Lombard regional table of hunting associations sent the note to Regional Councilor Beduschi which is transcribed in full on the question of rings. “With this letter, the undersigned Lombard hunting associations intend to pay attention to the regional administration “rings” question, and in particular the timing of the implementation process regarding the new art. 26 of regional law 26/93, for which thousands of Lombard hunters have been waiting for months. Aware and grateful of the steps forward made by the regional structure on this issue, through the launch of the new database of live recalls with DGR. XII/1849 of 05.02.2024 and the approval of the test protocol for the certification of the marks with resolution XII/2192 of 15.04.2024, we however consider the need for an acceleration in the progress of this process to be urgent, as the timing which are expected to be linked firstly to the supply and then to the distribution of the new labels, are raising many doubts regarding the feasibility of closing this route by the start of the next hunting season.
Hunting season upon us
The current situation still jeopardizes the lawful exercise of hunting with live decoys and the serious short circuit created in Lombardy between the controlled and the controller on the issue is now known, also the subject of a joint hearing of the Agriculture and Anti-Mafia Commissions of the Lombardy Regional Council on 10.04.2024. It is also necessary to underline that the next hunting season is upon us and that thousands of Lombard hunting citizens will once again find themselves faced with this now unbearable harassment, because being subjected to checks cannot be defined in any other way without having certainties regarding the regularity or otherwise of the labels in use, with recalls subject to seizure on the basis of subjective assessments and not attributable to certain protocols.
Distribution of the new labels
We therefore believe it is of the utmost importance to conclude within the next few days at least the drafting of the implementing resolution, which will have to concern the supply and methods of distribution of the new labels. We hereby, therefore, urge with the utmost urgency the approval of the implementation methods of the art. 26 of regional law 26/93 in question and to request that the supply and subsequent distribution of the labels takes place with a process to be completed as soon as possible, once again communicating our full willingness to collaborate so that the issue can be resolved, once and for all , before the start of the next hunting season. Certain of your kind attention, we await your kind response." The Lombard regional table of hunting associations (FEDERCACCIA LOMBARDIA – CACCIAPENSIERI).