Federcaccia Avifauna Migratoria, new certifications for its scientific works concerning studies on the hunting of anatidae.
The proceedings of the September 2011 Conference held in Cervia were published where, in the context of the world of Italian scientific ornithology, the Avifauna Migratoria Office together with Acma had presented an oral report and three posters concerning four fields of study. The report concerned an analysis of the hunting collection of anatidae in Italy with authors M. Sorrenti, G. Fasoli and A. Lenzoni, while the three posters concerned: the progress of the collection of lapwings by hunters who practice this type of hunting in Italy, by the authors M. Sorrenti and A. Lenzoni; the second the results of the monthly censuses of waterfowl in the Canneviè Oasis - Porticino by A. Lenzoni, M. Sorrenti, M. Spagnesi and G. Mariani, the third the estimates of the water rail in two wet areas of the Tuscany Region with authors A. Lenzoni and M. Sorrenti. The publication of these studies certifies their scientific validity representing a valid contribution for a constructive comparison with the institutions and stakeholders in the field of fauna management. For example, the report on the collection of anatidae demonstrates a stability in Tuscany and an increase in Sicily of the average collection of anatidae, reinforcing what emerges from other fields of study on the presence of huntable anatidae in Italy and in Europe in general. The Lapwing Poster also shows a certain average increase in the collection of this wild over the years of study, thus adding an assessment of migrant contingents that are not studied by means of winter counts.
The study on the water rail provides valuable information for a species that is difficult to monitor and also gives information on the trends in the presence of this species in the sample areas. The poster concerning the censuses in the Canneviè Oasis experimentally describes which species are most present in the area and their variation over the course of the year. "Knowing to manage": this is the philosophy of the Italian Federation of Hunting expressed through the FIdC Bird Migration Office which, in this case with the Acma sector, has produced these certified results, useful elements of knowledge in the field of wildlife hunting management. Italian level also helping to complete the collection of information requested by international organizations (European Union, Ompo, Aewa).
We thank all those who collaborated in the success of these studies, from the collaborators for the indispensable information provided, to the FIdC management who supported these projects.
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