As stated in the press release, on January 15th the Ministry of the Environment (and therefore the whole Government) intervened with an unspeakable act of prevarication, deciding the early closure of the hunt on January 20 for the three species mentioned above. According to the provincial section of the Federation, Gianluca Galletti, holder of the department, must not barricade himself behind the excuse of having respected an imposition of the European Community (according to the resolution, a worsening of the Italian situation with regard to Community infringements was avoided).
The note underlines that Brussels has never asked for this early closure, also why in other member states the closing of the hunting season is fixed after the middle of February. The Government would therefore have bowed to partisan emotions and would have neglected all the scientific opinions available that prove the contrary. The act is defined as “of a unique gravity and arrogance”: Federcaccia Pistoia is convinced that in this way the Italian hunters were punished and the institutional rights of the regions that opposed the provision were trampled on.
The same regions were deprived of authority with an act of empire. The association recalled all the actions undertaken and required by law to obtain the protection of rights: these are the appeals that have been forwarded to the appropriate judicial offices. The document ends with a reference to a neighboring country, France. The transalpine hunters were indeed received in grand style by the President of the Republic François Hollande, who recognized the category as having a very important role in the defense of the environment and biodiversity. The invitation to the Renzi government, therefore, is to look around and learn with greater humility from the nations that really protect their citizens.