A real party Saturday 8, Sunday 9 and Monday 10 February Verona will host the new, exciting edition of EOS Show in the Fiera premises, a real party for all hunting, sport shooting, fishing enthusiasts...
See moreDetailsJournalist. Born in Rome in 1982. Many passions, including that for the environment, the territory and rurality, developed thanks to holidays in the Umbria-Marche Apennines and the stories of local hunters. He dedicated part of his studies to agriculture and "green" economics.
A real party Saturday 8, Sunday 9 and Monday 10 February Verona will host the new, exciting edition of EOS Show in the Fiera premises, a real party for all hunting, sport shooting, fishing enthusiasts...
See moreDetailsExtraordinary plan Below is the note released by the hunting associations that make up the Tuscany Control Room, namely Libera Caccia, Enalcaccia, Italcaccia and Arci Caccia: "The new version of the extraordinary plan has been released in recent days...
See moreDetailsNo concertation procedure With an act that is at least questionable, the Sicily Region, instead of reviewing the forms, transforms the ZSC sites (formerly SIC) into ZPS to hastily comply with the infringement procedure of the European Commission. To our great surprise we learned, by chance,...
See moreDetailsJanuary's news Below is the latest note from the hunting association Arci Caccia: "We have discovered, from the news spread by some specialized sites, that the Ministry of the Interior has communicated that, starting from January 2025, the payment of the booklet...
See moreDetailsTechnical solutions The Lombardy Region approved resolution 27 on January 3831, which dictates the application rules for the long-awaited replacement of the rings for live decoys used in stalking. Given that this is still a first...
See moreDetailsReport on incidents Italian Hunting Federation and other recognized hunting associations Enalcaccia, Arcicaccia, ANLC, ANUUMigratoristi, Italcaccia, and the CNCN – National Hunting and Nature Committee, gathered together in the Control Room of the hunting world, take note of the data...
See moreDetailsCouncilor Antonini's choices In the last few hours, Councilor for Hunting Andrea Maria Antonini has called together the regional hunting associations (via videoconference) to discuss the first draft proposal for the 2025/2026 regional hunting calendar for the Marche. Compared to what emerged in the...
See moreDetailsThe historic signature of 1971 Sunday, February 2, is celebrated as “World Wetlands Day”, which commemorates the signing of the historic Ramsar Convention in 1971 and which is now shared by 172 countries. The global results are...
See moreDetailsLooking to the next year The most heartfelt and experienced part of the hunting season, the migratory one and with the dog, officially closes. Some considerations at the end of a troubled period, which saw Federcaccia and all its resources...
See moreDetailsHunting for thrushes The failure to validate the criminal seizure of the hunters who – as is known to all Calabrian enthusiasts – were charged last Thursday afternoon with hunting thrushes and even more...
See moreDetails Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]