Federcaccia Salerno, at the provincial assembly of Battipaglia we talk about the unity of the hunting world and ambitious projects for the future are envisaged.
These are the two themes that emerged during the Provincial Assembly of Federcaccia which took place in Battipaglia. There were about two hundred leaders and presidents of the municipal sections. The hunting associations belonging to the CAV, the Coordination of the Salerno Hunting Associations, also joined the initiative, which participated with interest, applauding the Federcaccia initiative which involved them, for the first time in Salerno's hunting history, in one of its social events. . The provincial presidents of Italcaccia, Domenico Della Corte, of Arcicaccia, Luigi Botta, of Liberacaccia, Ferdinando Nocera and of ANUU, Michele Cartagine intervened and brought greetings from their respective teams.
The works were opened by the Vice President of Federcaccia, cav. Vincenzo Lamberti; after the Report of the Auditors, the Assembly unanimously approved the 2012 Final Account and the 2013 Budget. thanks to the entire managerial and organizational team of the provincial Federcaccia, he focused on the importance of adhering to the invitation addressed by Federcaccia to the Presidents of the CAV for their presence at the 2013 provincial assembly.
"It is the demonstration that there are, in the hunting world - underlined Spera - the will and the conditions for a real collaboration of all the hunting forces, to bring the image of hunting and hunters back to their real dimension. We hope that this coordination will become the interlocutor with the institutions, which too often take the fragmentation of hunting associations as a justification for their indolence ”.
The leading exponent of the Salerno Federcaccia then went on to highlight the negative moment that hunting is going through in our Region, highlighting the difficulties that the hunting world could encounter, in the immediate future, if two important measures were not approved at the regional level: the Wildlife Plan (already launched by the Regional Council) and the definitive drafting of the changes to be made to the Regional Law 26/2012, both to be examined by the Regional Council. "In the absence of such acts, it is unlikely that the Hunt will be able to open the next hunting season" he declared, bitterly, Spera.
The FidC Regional President, prof. Felice Buglione, who in his speech reiterated the importance of the union of the hunting world; the National Vice President of the FidC, Dr. Antonio D'Angelo who focused on the wrong political choices and the important and irreplaceable role of scientific studies on the future of hunting; Dr. Giovanni Piano, representing the Provincial Councilor for Hunting, who did the point on the commitment of the provincial policy towards hunting and Dr. Armando Liguori, president of ATC Contiguous Areas, who has instead highlighted the inconveniences of the hunting world in dialogue with the provincial and regional political world.
It then continued with the interventions of the technicians of prof. Domenico FULGIONE, professor of the Department of Biology of the Federico II University of Naples, "Faunistic plan and the venatic territory of Salerno"; by dr. Gennaro BARRA, President of the Provincial Wildlife Technical Committee of Salerno, "Reperimetration of the Monti Picentini Park"; by dr. Benedetto NEOLA, from the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Federico II University of Naples, on the ATC Salerno project: "Arthropod Diseases in Hunting Dogs"; and dr. Sergio SCEBBA, ornithologist and ringer authorized by ISPRA, on the ATC Salerno project: "Pre-nuptial migration of the Song Thrush".
The speech of the Regional Councilor for Hunting, ing. Giovanni Fortunato who, in addition to committing himself to a quick approval of the documents necessary for the Wildlife Plan and the amendments to LR 26, has ensured his total commitment to ensure that the Hunt regains its important role in society and that it also becomes a driving force for an alternative economy in the Salerno territories.
29 April 2013
Hunting Federation