Commitment to the territory
The 68th Extraordinary National Assembly of the Italian Federation of Hunting, a fundamental associative moment of meeting and discussion that brings together all the top managers of the Federation: from the Presidential Council to the Regional and Provincial Presidents, the Sectoral Associations in addition to the Institutional bodies represented by the Board of Auditors and the Probiviri. Many items on the agenda will be discussed during the work, ranging from the fulfillment of various statutory obligations, including the approval of the 2025 Budget Forecast by the Assembly, to the presentation of the Social Balance Sheet, a focus on the Federation's activity that quantifies and highlights the commitment on the territory with management, environmental and socially useful purposes of our sections and our members and their economic value for the entire society.
The latest updates
The most anticipated moment will be the report by National President Massimo Buconi, who, in addition to retracing the activities and key stages of this year of work - the first of his second mandate at the helm of the oldest and most representative Italian hunting association - will illustrate the latest updates on the most current hunting policy issues, the relationship with institutions at all levels, but especially national ones, and the challenges already underway and which will most engage the Federation in the first months of 2025, introducing some important projects aimed at strengthening and enhancing the role of hunting activity in synergy with other stakeholders operating in the area. Themes necessarily completed by the Report of the activity of the Wildlife and Agro-environmental Studies and Research Office, which plays a large part in its two roles - technical scientific and legal - in the activities of the Federation and allows to obtain objectively concrete results to protect hunting in all its forms to the advantage of our members and all hunters, while at the same time carrying forward a line of seriousness and full sustainability, as well as correctness and respect for all the necessary management principles that characterize our passion.
Efficiency and results
This 68th Assembly will be the occasion to illustrate the reorganization and strengthening of the legal part, destined to acquire an increasingly clear connotation to the full advantage of efficiency and results, within the structure of the Federation, as has already happened since the beginning of this Presidency for the Communication Office, which from next year with further commitment will be divided into a sector dedicated to internal and external training. For this last purpose, the release of a new digital teaching platform easily usable by all to support the purposes pursued by Federcaccia is already at an advanced stage, because it is the belief that investing in training is investing in the future of Hunting and of the Association itself.
Hunter of the Year
There will then be space for aspects more closely linked to the life of the association, such as the presentation of the publication dedicated to the 60 years of UNCZA, the sector that brings together hunters of the Alpine Zone, which retraces these decades of strong commitment to protecting and promoting the values of mountain hunting, also and above all through scientific research and strong management commitment, but also the values and traditions of the entire Alpine Arc. During the continuation of the work, the awarding of the honor "Hunter of the Year" and those of "President of the Year" will take place, intended for those who have distinguished themselves for their commitment in wildlife-hunting, environmental, ethical or social matters, representing a positive example for society of the work of the Federation and of the figure of the hunter and to those Managers who have stood out for their commitment to the association (source: FIDC).