It is not enough to repeat lies like a broken record for these to become reality, but those who tell them are easy to believe otherwise.
This is evidently what happened to the so-called "alternative group" that continues to storm the hunters with notices and leaflets. He certainly believes strongly in one thing: that for a handful of extra tiles it is worth trying. Thus, all aimed at promoting the membership campaign that began this year even before the season of hunting, the leaders of this propaganda operation continue to propose excerpts of Legambiente press releases on species and times of sampling or on any other topic concerning hunting, suggesting that Federcaccia, ANUU Migratoristi and Arci Caccia agree with those positions, all always for through the agreement signed a year ago with the same association and that someone pretended to discover only a few months ago, despite having been widely communicated publicly and certainly not kept hidden. A document that self-convinced of what they say, or perhaps that hunters cannot read, attach to support their propaganda. Too bad that in that protocol, even with the most unbridled imagination or bad faith, nothing can be read about agreements on the reduction of calendars, interventions on migratory hunting and elimination of live calls. And since they do us the courtesy to attach it, we invite you once and for all, if you have not yet done so, to read it and tell us where we talk about what Confavi & C denounce and fear with purposes not only related to membership, but at least for someone also electoralistic.
In the meantime, however, we remind you that Federcaccia has given the answer to the rantings artfully put into circulation: to the invitation of Minister Galletti to the Regions to shorten the sampling times of song thrush, cesena and woodcock, three species that are in a good state of conservation (Birdlife International), it has provided the competent departments with technical-scientific data to oppose it, as it has done for years by committing time, people and economic resources. Or should someone remember that the addresses followed today by the Regions in the drafting of calendars deviating from the Ispra indications are those indicated by the Birdlife Migration Office of FIdC already in 2010, over time accepted by all the AAVV as well as by the Regions themselves?
Thus, consistently, Federcaccia condemned in the very first hours that followed, the inconceivable and unjustified decision of the Council of Ministers, against which he then presented a detailed and incisive appeal, flanked by Arci Caccia, ANUU Migratoristi and Enalcaccia, as well as by some citizens resident hunters in the affected regions. An appeal that the Regions themselves will support ad adiuvandum. All this dissociating openly and without any hesitation from the position of Legambiente on the hunting calendars and on the species being sampled.
To complete the picture between those who make and those who grind the wind, we finally remember that it was Federcaccia and ANUU Migrators, both at national and regional level, who appealed against the resolution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to cancel the Lombardy DGR n. X / 1985 of last June for the supply of live decoys, obtaining a ruling that will allow the Region itself to take the decision to activate the capture plants for the next season, once the opinion of ISPRA has been acquired, even if it is negative. All while the others were obviously busy turning the handle of the mimeograph ...
I love woodcock hunting, hunting dogs and Nature. I'm very interested in hunting news. Editor at Caccia Passione I deal with the development of the Social and Media News areas.
Wildlife Management The final comedies were short films shown at the end of a dramatic, adventure or sentimental film. All of this, of course, to erase the tears and make the spectators leave less sad and a little more serene. Today even some...
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January's news Below is the latest note from the hunting association Arci Caccia: "We have discovered, from the news spread by some specialized sites, that the Ministry of the Interior has communicated that, starting from January 2025, the payment of the booklet...
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