Some important politicians, in chatter, swear eternal loyalty to the hunting world, but in reality we discover that at the technical meeting of the State Regions conference, in which the data supporting the closing of the hunt on January 31st for some species including the Cesena, the Veneto Region has not even presented itself.
At that meeting some Regions made use of the technical-scientific preparation of our national bird-migratory manager, dr. Michele Sorrenti, and they refused the agreement. Furthermore, in the last meeting of December 17, the State Regions conference rejected the request for an agreement for closure on January 20 proposed by the Ministry of the Environment for the three species song thrush, woodcock and cesena.
In these days a resolution has been approved by the Region anticipates the closure of the Cesena hunt to January 20, a provision that goes against the position held there. The fact embitters us even more because the Veneto Region has the data that support the closure of the Cesena hunt on 31 January, a table being available ISPRA of the catches in Veneto which demonstrates the abandonment of the wintering areas starting from the end of January, beginning of February.
The Veneto Region has chosen to bow to the will of the Ministry, on the other hand, rejected by many other Regions, in complete contradiction with the principles of autonomy of the Northern League, which instead allow, through paragraph 2.7.10 of the Guide to the regulation of EU hunting, to deviate from the national KC figure.
We remind you that last hunting season, at the same request of the Ministry, the Veneto Region, councilor Stival, had not bowed to the Roman powers.
Instead the choice made today is incomprehensible, violent and mortifies the dignity of the Venetian Migratory Hunters.
The Regional Vice President
Oscar Star