On 12 January the Guarantor of the Coni code of sporting behavior, Corrado Calabrò, filed the FIDASC complaints against the FITAV for three experimental outdoor shooting competitions at fixed and mobile shapes with rifled and smooth-barreled hunting weapons. The organizers of the competitions, the APD Piancardato (PG) and the ASD Tiro a volo Vetralla (VT), as well as the APD Tiro all'Aperto Basilicata di Melfi (PZ) were involved in the warning and in the complaint, therefore they can feel relieved. The competitions organized by these Associations, between the end of August and the beginning of October 2021, recorded an excellent success in terms of participation and technical results. The "Italian Federation of Outdoor Shooting" Association (FITA) immediately established a fruitful relationship with FITAV and the hunting associations (no longer “affiliated” with FIDASC) in order to resume and better develop the shooting project with long rifled and smooth barreled hunting guns.
The FITA, thanks to the reliability of the FITAV organizational structures and its economic support, will allow a further growth of FITAV members, clubs and sports and training activities, also involving contiguous sectors, such as hunting. This last advantage should not be underestimated, especially considering the indications that emerge from CONI that will probably lead to the union of the federations that deal with similar sports. FITA intends to protect shooters, but above all shooting facilities that have a great need to carry out engaging activities, after the difficulties of the pandemic.
Over time, FIDASC has betrayed the indications and mandate received at the time by the venatorial associations to establish their sports federation, dramatically expanding its range of action to include disciplines that have nothing to do with shooting or hunting., such as Paintball, Airsoft, Sleddog or Agility. It has also invaded without restraint the specialties of other sports federations through the Field target (UITS) and the Hunting Archery (FITARCO) and the same FITAV with disciplines of clay pigeon shooting.Yet the Italian Federation disciplines sporting hunting weapons, assuming that the extended definition of the acronym is still current, would like to prevent an Association such as FITA-FITAV from carrying out its disciplines by mistakenly considering all shooting disciplines to be its exclusive domain, including those with regulations of the FITASC international federation that FITA has already proved to know how to organize and manage in the FITAV riverbed.
FIDASC, at the hands of the president Felice Buglione and his lawyers, tried to block the activity of the newly established association with at least questionable methods and with groundless complaints. The extremely serious thing is that she went so far as to report "Serious problems and deficiencies in terms of authorization and sanitation acts" of the shooting ranges. With this causing serious damage to the image of the world of sport shooting and also of hunting, since the FITA-FITAV competitions are also aimed at selecontrollers.
Well, the Guarantor of the Coni code of sporting conduct, who thoroughly analyzed the issue, ordered the dismissal of the procedure activated by FIDASC and invited the CONI Board to "To define more clearly and up-to-date the respective competences of FITAV and FIDASC".
As is known, the controversy on this discipline between FIDASC and FITAV was already defined in 2013, when CONI definitively assigned the legitimate ownership of Combined Hunting Shooting to FITAV. Therefore, in our opinion, it is the FIDASC that by continuing to carry out this discipline, simply by changing its name with that of “Tiro di Campagna”, in an attempt to divert the attention of observers, has clearly violated the principle of sporting loyalty.
It is our belief that the experimental outdoor shooting competitions with fixed and mobile shapes with rifled and smooth-bore hunting weapons must be carried out by FITA with FITAV, also considering the skills and follow-up demonstrated. FITAV, for its part, will have to find some form of agreement with FIDASC in order to avoid other incidents that would harm shooters and clubs:SHOOTING AT FITAV and CINOFILIA AT FIDASC.
Further info: www.tiroallapertura.it