Dual purpose
In recent years, the theme of custody of weapons and the prejudicial conduct related to their use has emerged as a matter of primary importance in the debate on public safety. On the one hand, there is the need to protect individual rights, such as the right to hunt or sport shooting; on the other, it is essential to ensure that such rights do not put the safety of the community at risk. In this vein, in order to inform all license holders about the mandatory conduct regarding the rules contained in the Consolidated Law on Public Safety and in Law 110/1975, the Provincial Section of Barletta and the Municipal Section of Bisceglie of the Italian Hunting Federation, on November 14, at the Hotel Cavalieri in Barletta, organized a debate aimed at comparing notes with the Public Safety Authority of the Andria Police Headquarters.
Experts in hunting law and more
The Regional President Luigi Scalera and the Provincial President of BAT Rossano Daleno spoke for Federcaccia, giving considerable impetus to the initiative as well as to the organization of the event. Also speaking for Federcaccia were Franco Acquaviva and Giovanni Vantaggiato, experts in hunting and weapons law. The Deputy Police Commissioner Dr. Silvia Silvestris, PAS manager, and Chief Superintendent Emiliano Pallini, head of the Weapons Office, both from the Andria Police Headquarters, kindly spoke for the Public Safety Authority. Over 100 participants from the various Federcaccia sections of BAT were therefore present, in addition to some representatives of the shooting ranges and the many followers from various associative environments.
The dominant theme
The main theme, discussed by legal experts in the field Acquaviva and Vantaggiato, concerned the obligations and responsibilities falling on all gun owners who have the obligation to store them together with ammunition in safes or armored cabinets in order to reduce the risks of improper use, especially by minors, drug addicts and unauthorized persons. The dominant and closely related theme was the irreproachable conduct that every hunter/keeper must assume towards his associates, his family, his work environment and people in general in order to avoid inhibitory measures by the Police Authority. The lawyers carried out a careful examination of the laws in force, explaining, also through the latest jurisprudential developments, the rationale of the legislator and the correct procedures to adopt to prevent violations of the Police laws. In full synergy of intent, the Police Headquarters itself highlighted in detail the practice adopted by the Police Authority in the event of failure to guard and prejudicial conduct, giving rise to an interesting and constructive exchange of multiple pieces of information aimed at preventing illicit acts and the consequent inhibitory measures that may give rise to the suspension/revocation of the license.
Reduce the risk of abuse
“Investing in education and awareness programs, while simultaneously strengthening controls, could guarantee a rigorous application of existing laws and represent important steps to prevent crimes and reduce the risk of abuse”, commented the Regional President Luigi Scalera. While the President Rossano Daleno focused more on the importance of spreading information in a conscious and responsible way in order to break down any barrier represented by unreliable news that lead to error. In light of this cultural-constructive event, in a climate of total collaboration and synergy with the intervening Authority, the Federcacciatori have shown great sensitivity and responsibility in accordance with the Statute of the FIdC, but also in compliance with the principle of legality to which the followers must always look to ensure greater stability also in hunting activity (FA – FIdC Bisceglie).