The renunciation of the LAC
Dearest Lombard hunters, as you know this morning before the TAR LAC waived its request for precautionary measures in view of a hearing to discuss the merits of the case, which will be held in December: the game is therefore still open on the January closures and at stake are Beccaccia in the ATC, Sassello and Cesena in the period 10 January - 20 January , and aquatic stalking in the period 20 January - 31 January 2023. Now what matters is the result and it is useless to ask too many questions about the why and the how: however, I am convinced that the regional calendar has been defended for this hearing in the best possible way.
The specific aspects of the defense
Given that the regional provision has solid foundations, I am confident that the work of the Regional Attorney's Office and of the lawyers who intervened in court on behalf of the hunting associations has nevertheless made a difference, also in the LAC's decision to renounce the suspension of the calendar. If the Region has produced complete and in-depth legal defenses and investigations, this has allowed the defenders of the hunting associations to coordinate on specific aspects of the defense, which is very complex, and thus produce non-repetitive pleadings, but each useful to demonstrate on the one hand the validity of the regional choices and on the other the unfoundedness of animal rights theses: in particular the undersigned (who defends Federcaccia and Enalcaccia, whom I thank for the trust placed in me) has dedicated himself more to aspects of merit of the regional calendar with respect to the KC and the carnieri, while the defenders assisting the ANUU, Liberacaccia and Arcicaccia respectively highlighted different legal issues.
What the judges will decide
A team effort, that of the lawyers of the Associations, which has significantly increased the chances of success. In the last few days the ACL also intervened. We will only see at the end what the Judges will think, but in the meantime the opening is safe, after two consecutive hunting seasons in which we lost the month of September, and the work is certainly not finished, but I want to thank all the associations who have decided to invest their resources in the defense of the Region, its Calendar and the Hunt and all the colleagues they turned to. Good luck everyone! (Lawyer Lorenzo Bertacchi – Regional Pres. FIDC Lombardy).