"Hunters: as always prudence and respect for the environment, but finally we start again". Federcaccia Tuscany, municipal section of Pistoia, is ready to leave. In view of the opening of the hunt, scheduled for Sunday 19 September, Giovanni Paolo Luconi, president of the Pistoia section, wrote a letter to our local hunters. Missive that he read during the Hunter's Dinner, held in the Il Sodo boar dog training area in Arcigliano, attended by the mayor of Pistoia Alessandro Tomasi. Together with the head of the shooting commission of the provincial section FIDC Pistoia Nino Calantoni, the first citizen awarded Giuseppe Pupo, member of Federcaccia and winner of the 43rd World Championship of Sporting for teams, specialty of skeet shooting.
Luconi, on the other hand, delivered a plaque to Tomasi for thank him for attending the convivial moment. “Finally it's time to start over. Not only for the hunting season, but to experience all the aspects of our being hunters that the health emergency and its restrictions have taken away from us - wrote Luconi -. Throughout Italy, meetings have started again to plan important works and interventions, draw up projects, discuss and organize associative life, evenings dedicated to being together in joy, meet old friends and discover new ones. This year we lacked the opportunities to meet: we did not feel part of a single large family, that of hunters.
That sense of complicity that makes people distant by residence, life experience, work, culture and traditions speak the same language, expressing the same feelings towards nature, hunting and rurality. Starting over also means our daily commitment to hunting. Those who commit themselves to the association do so because they love hunting, trying to make known to politicians and public administrators the hunting activity in its essence. Good luck for the upcoming season. Prudence and respect for the environment are principles that guide our actions, because even through the practice of a thousand-year passion and in harmony with nature what is hunting, life regains its flavor ".