It took place in recent days in the Roman headquarters of MIPAAF a meeting between the national president of the Italian Federation of Hunting Massimo Buconi and the Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Teresa Bellanova. "I met in Minister Teresa Bellanova - to whom my sincere thanks go for having found, even in such a delicate and busy moment, a space to dedicate to us - an attentive interlocutor open to listening, absolutely free from prejudices and prejudices towards hunting and the hundreds of thousands of citizens who practice it diligently, aware and respectful of the laws ”declared President Buconi.
During the cordial and fruitful conversation they were touched several themes in evidence on their respective agendas, laying the foundations for a desirable relaunch of an even closer collaboration between the hunting world and the agricultural world. On the part of Federcaccia, in fact, an objective that can no longer be postponed is that of resume and relaunch an alliance relationship, strategic for both, under the banner of greater planning and implementation of initiatives capable of creating the conditions for a more effective and satisfactory hunting practice and at the same time for a more complete realization of a multifunctional structure of the agricultural enterprise. The hope is that from this meeting in perspective, an action to enhance the respective roles can be born, both how productive, economic and employment sectors of primary importance for the country, both in that of guardians of a rural cultural and social fabric made up of lifestyles, traditions, knowledge and knowledge of inestimable immaterial value.
A context that sees the figure of the hunter strongly rooted in the territory, with a widespread diffusion through offices and clubs throughout Italy, participating and protagonist in every voluntary activity, from civil protection to healthcare, social initiatives and local promotion. "Waiting for an increasingly necessary reform of the national hunting regulations, made difficult by a widespread attitude of ideological closure that sees every intervention in this field only from a further restrictive and non-management perspective - declared Buconi - Federcaccia deems it necessary to bring hunting themes into the rooms of the MIPAAF, of the integrated management of the territory both in protected areas and in huntable areas, also through the legitimation of the role of public importance of the assistants in the application of the control and containment plans of opportunistic and invasive species. It means bringing hunting back to where by its very nature it should be, a sort of return to the rural world that is absolutely necessary also for the quality of life of citizens ”concluded President Buconi.