The names of the specimens
The capture activities, organized by Federcaccia Toscana – Unione Cacciatori Toscani in collaboration with the Hunting Offices of the Tuscany region, to equip the species with satellite transmitters, were successfully concluded on Thursday 2 January. woodcock. The operations took place inside the Migliarino-San Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park. Three woodcocks in perfect physical condition (with body weights that greatly exceeded 300 grams each) were equipped with GPS transmitters. The three woodcocks were nicknamed Tosca, Caterina and Turandot, also in honor of the indissoluble bond between Maestro Giacomo Puccini and hunting.
Inclement weather
The captures were conducted by Alessandro Tedeschi, consultant of the Studies and Research Office of Federcaccia Nazionale, who succeeded in the undertaking despite the inclement weather. Alessandro was supported by Vito Mazzarone, technical officer of the Tuscany Region, by Alfonso Lenzoni, regional FIdC-UCT presidency councilor, and by wildlife technician Simone Capriotti. The credit for the success also goes to the experience of Riccardo Gambogi, scientific ringer and former park ranger of San Rossore, and Andrea Galardini, also a collaborator of the Park. This project is part of that line of studies that the Studies and Research Office of FIdC nazionale is carrying out in collaboration with the universities of Pisa and Milan.
Wintering periods
The aim of the project is to collect and certify – with scientifically suitable tools such as satellite transmitters – information such as the departure dates for the breeding districts of the avifauna, the relative migratory routes, the movements during the wintering periods. Especially in Tuscany, for the woodcock species, the scientific data collected with satellite telemetry will be added to the work that Fibec (Italian Woodcock Federation) has been carrying out for years and which aims, through monitoring the woodcock with the pointing dog, to define the presence of the woodcock in Tuscany during the post-nuptial migration, the wintering phase and the pre-nuptial migratory phase. These scientific studies and monitoring programs are essential to guarantee sustainable harvesting, protecting the species.
GPS Transmitters
"Certainly the scientific research and studies carried out by the Italian Hunting Federation will be crucial to guarantee a future for our passion. I would like to thank Alessandro Tedeschi and the members and managers of all the Tuscan FIdC-UCT provincial federations in particular, who, with their financial contribution, have made it possible to purchase the three GPS transmitters," said the regional President of Federcaccia Toscana and National Vice President Marco Salvadori. "I would also like to thank the regional FIdC-UCT presidency, especially councilor Alfonso Lenzoni, together with the technical staff of Federcaccia Toscana - Tuscan Hunters Union, for their commitment in achieving this important goal, useful for all Tuscan hunters." “The widest expressions of gratitude – continues Salvadori – are addressed to the Tuscany Region and in particular to Dr. Vito Mazzarone, to the President and Director of the Migliarino-San Rossore-Massaciuccoli Regional Park, Dr. Lorenzo Bani and Eng. Riccardo Gaddi, to Dr. Rubolini of the University of Milan, to the scientific ringers Riccardo Gambogi and Yuri Simoncini, to the Park collaborator Andrea Galardini, to the FIBEC president – Dr. Paolo Pennacchini and to the Technical Scientific Coordinator of the Studies and Research Office of Federcaccia Nazionale Dr. Michele Sorrenti”.