Dear Director, we are once again forced to speak for an article published in the online version of the newspaper she directs. Yesterday evening in the section "Animalia" news appeared regarding the “Free to fly” operation conducted by Enpa which led to the complaint of 3 hunters and a breeder for alleged offenses relating to the possession of decoy birds, of which 100 specimens were allegedly seized.
Leaving aside the frankly exaggerated emphasis on results of this operation that lasted months, which, if anything, highlights how the overwhelming percentage of keepers of decoy birds follow all the regulations provided for by the relevant legislation and take care of their animals - the numbers of alleged culprits are negligible in percentage terms compared to hunters who are dedicated to this form of hunting - as always, we can only complain about a series of inaccuracies and the absolute lack of a contradiction, since the entire article is just an advertisement for the ENPA with the usual anti-hunting cut, "casually" published on the eve of the hunting season.
If the accused are found guilty of what they contested, the judiciary will condemn them, but an entire category is not allowed to be accused for the mistakes of a few of people respectful and attentive to both the rules and the health of their animals, who practice an activity that is permitted and regulated by law. It is not true, as the article reports, that the "keeping of decoy birds in the cages used for hunting is mistreatment", just as it is not acceptable to convey the idea that practices used in breeding of the same are "torture". The Italian legislation is clear and adequate to protect the health and well-being of the calls, establishing minimum measures for cages, mandatory recognition rings, prohibition of using blinded or mutilated animals and prohibiting their capture. All fundamental rules that the article omits, giving a distorted and strongly negative image of this practice.
There are millions of professional or amateur ornithologists all over the world who are dedicated to bird breeding. Some of these, instead of being only exhibited in exhibitions or singing competitions for a few months a year, rise to the role of auxiliaries for the hunting exercise. We can also understand that the Enpa and other anti-hunting associations do not like this aspect and that the Corriere, who it has long since decided to indulge animal rights sentiments of a part of its readers, give them space, but for this reason misleading and inaccurate content is published we cannot accept it. We therefore ask you to rectify the information not corresponding to the truth contained in the article indicated e be vigilant also in the future so that the reported news is news and not propaganda.
The National President
Massimo Buconi