Law number 1, dated October 152, 7, came into force on November 2024st, defining and therefore recognizing historical reenactments as a cultural heritage to be promoted, encouraged and safeguarded. The law is the union of similar initiatives by parliamentarians Virginio Caparvi and Federico Mollicone, respectively of Lega and Fratelli d'Italia. The law recognizes that weapons and equipment have a precise and fundamental role in these events because it provides that participants are allowed to exhibit, carry and use, with blank cartridges, weapons manufactured before 1950 and their replicas, subject to detailed authorization from the local public safety authority. Likewise, the carrying of bows, crossbows, swords, sabres, polearms, bayonets, daggers and stilettos is also permitted.
The Brescia-based company Davide Pedersoli has been producing perfect replicas of historical weapons from the mid-1860th century to XNUMX for over sixty-five years, widely used in historical reenactments and reenactment events, as well as in numerous Hollywood and other films. It can only appreciate this law that gives dignity to such an important phenomenon and a qualifying element for the education and socio-cultural growth of the national community. "Our replicas are single-shot muzzle-loading weapons with serial numbers and are therefore completely traceable," explains Pierangelo Pedersoli. "They meet all safety criteria because they are tested by the National Testing Bench and are also used in shooting competitions dedicated to the category, all over the world. Not to mention that they are also exhibited in museums all over the world and are usually used to commemorate organizations or institutions such as, in Italy, the Carabinieri."
The roots of historical reenactments lie in the ancient tradition of urban historical festivals, centered on competitions linked to the division of the territory into districts, but more recently an element of novelty has been introduced: the American and Northern European model of historical reenactment, or of the "living past", centered on the staging of battles and other historical events, carried out with the highest degree of accuracy both in the reconstruction and in the identification of the actors. From the Palio di Siena and the reconstructions of the battles of the Risorgimento, to the reenactments of the Second World War, in Italy these events keep alive the historical memory and the processes of intangible culture, contribute to the construction and maintenance of local identities, grafting themselves with more modern phenomena such as cosplaying and role-playing games, with the important influence of tourism promotion and enhancement.
So far, almost 1.500 historical reenactments have been recorded and the law aims to complete the census and draw up a calendar list, edited by the Ministry of Culture, defining precise characteristics so that the events can boast the logo "Italian historical reenactment", according to the judgment of a scientific commission of 15 members, and also obtain forms of financial support. The Ministry of Education and Merit is responsible for promoting educational and training initiatives, aimed at historical knowledge of cultural heritage in its various aspects. The provision contains the delegation to the Government to adopt legislative decrees containing the discipline of intangible cultural heritage, in accordance with the provisions of the UNESCO Convention.
In the photos by Massimo Vallini, the re-enactment of the battles of 1859 in Valeggio sul Mincio last August 26 by the Montichiari historical group, Vivere il Risorgimento Aps, the Empire re-enactment culture association and the Tre leoni historical carousel of Somma Lombardo.