Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 January 2016 are the two dates chosen for the ninth edition of the Coppa Italia with followed dogs su volpe, an event organized by Italian Federation of Hunting together with the provincial section of Salerno. The important national event will take place in six municipalities in the Salerno area, namely Buccino, Campagna, Colliano, Contursi, Oliveto Citra and Palomonte. Furthermore, the admitted categories are "Single", "Pair or pair" and "Mute".
Participation in the race requires the possession of a regular hunting license valid, in addition to Federcaccia insurance and the dog qualification booklet. The Italian Cup will be preceded on Friday 22 January by drawing of the rounds of competition and checking the documents of the participants of the first day (Campania and residents of neighboring regions). The draw will take place at 18 pm at the Hotel La Collina in Oliveto Citra (also in the province of Salerno).
The regulation valid for the prestigious trophy is the same as for the last edition played, that of 2015. The Cup is reserved for teams made up of three hunters (these are the categories "Single" and "Couples") or by four hunters, owners or conductors ("Mute" category). Follow-up dogs must be registered in thecanine registry. Once the fox's past has been ascertained, the dogs must show off their intuition and shrewdness, taking on the fox itself quickly and methodically, finding it and chasing it with safety, precision and speed.
The canettiere has the possibility to assist the dogs and to encourage them, both in the moment of research and in that of the follow-up. It is however forbidden to ask or receive information from strangers, otherwise you risk the exclusion of the competitor from the test: the judges can also eliminate those competitors who incite the dogs too excessively or who use the weapon in a dangerous way. The maximum score that will be awarded is equal to 130 points for wetsuits and 100 points for couples and the "Single" category.
The score for the canettiere is based on the itinerary followed in relation to the habits of the fox: another criterion is that of the ability and correctness in leading the dogs, in addition to the timeliness of recovery, correctness and harmony with the postmen (the maximum score is 40). For postmen, instead, 30 points are up for grabs based on correct behavior, cooperation in retrieving the dogs, sobriety and safety in handling the weapon. As for the killing, the judges will award 20 points, but only in the event that the dogs should arrive on the killed game. The first three classified in each category will be awarded.