Infinite recurrences
During a night session and connected to other measures connected to the Budget law, an amendment wanted by Minister Lollobrigida has finally been approved. This amendment certainly cannot be defined as epochal but it finally provides some certainty for hunters who for years have been forced, every summer, to live with the nightmare of the infinite and gratuitous appeals - very often specious and unmotivated - presented by various animal rights organizations with the sole purpose of "precautionarily" blocking and postponing the start of the hunting season. Now, finally, this will no longer be possible because, in the presence of an appeal with the request for a precautionary suspension, there can no longer be the block, often automatic, of hunting activity which, instead, can continue until the sentence is issued, as provided for by the previous hunting calendar.
A profound overhaul
The most skeptical might say that "The elephant gave birth to a mouse" and that this measure certainly does not represent the solution to all our problems, much less that profound revision of law 157/92 that especially we of Libera Caccia have legitimately and democratically been asking for since the day of its promulgation. But persisting with pessimism is not only unfair towards all the politicians of the intergroup of the two Chambers, but it is also wrong because this first, very important amendment - which we hope will be made definitive as soon as possible - demonstrates without a shadow of a doubt that, despite the inexhaustible political difficulties, the fierce obstructionism of the 5 Star Movement, the infinite disappointments due to the immobility (and opposition) of many previous governments, something is finally moving.
A scientific and indispensable management
: As a demonstration of the small but very great innovation contained in this amendment, there is the uncontrolled reaction of the usual Hon. Angelo Bonelli (former environmentalist turned full-time animal rights activist) who, together with other well-known colleagues, threatens to doom and gloom by peddling a sacrosanct and very civilized political measure that offers hunters only the certainty of the law that is a right of all citizens, in a sort of tragic revolution against the "poor little animals", refusing to acknowledge that the wild fauna currently present on our territory now requires scientific and indispensable management. Now the path is marked and we all hope that in the coming months we will finally be able to obtain a true renewal (certainly not a distortion!) of a law that has now been made obsolete not only by the uncontrolled and uncontrollable increase of some species, but also by the reduction in the number of hunters (Paolo Sparvoli, president of ANLC).