The Venetian batteries of the first edition of Italian Championship Free Hunting on Woodcocks they ended in a more than flattering way. As communicated in a note from the same association, what is known as Gramignani Trophy took place over the course of two days, Friday 25 and Saturday 26 March 2016, to be precise in locality Borso del Grappa (in the province of Treviso). The event was reserved for dogs registered with attribution of CAC (Certificate of Aptitude to the Championship) and CACIT (Certificate of Aptitude to the International Trials Championship). The Treviso testing grounds have been defined as "fantastic", though the presence of woodcocks was rather sporadicHowever, a detail that did not make the participants lose heart.
The members were 55 and unfortunately they were not able to exploit and manage the few wild animals that were present. However, the success was good, so much so that Libera Caccia has glimpsed exciting future scenarios, consequently the trophy will have other editions and will continue in the coming years. The main thanks of the hunting association went to the Alpine Reserve of Borso del Grappa, which provided hospitality to all participants, in addition to Treviso Canine Group, to accompanying persons and all the judges who evaluated the tests. The tests on woodcocks were subjected to the necessary doping control: before the trophy was held, there were draws.
Scores are assigned in descending order: starting from the highest possible result, 12 points that are related to the qualification of "Excellent CAC CACIT", then it drops to 11 points (Excellent Riserva CAC CACIT), 10 points (First Excellent) up to the lowest result, the four points that are linked to the qualification of "Good". The final test is won by the first twenty dogs able to achieve the best score during the preliminary phase. According to the regulations of the ENCI (Italian National Dog-loving Body), the search for the dog must be adapted to the special nature and configuration of the terrain to be explored.
Furthermore, the judgment takes into account the experience of the registered animal and the autonomy of its search, even if the latter cannot and must not transform itself into independence without any type of control. It is also important the connection of the same dog with its handler, without forgetting the exploration, which must be methodical. In addition to this appointment in Borso del Grappa, there will be other appointments in the coming months and Libera Caccia will communicate all the exact dates and locations.