Debora Serracchiani, governor of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, met with the regional sections of the Italian Federation of Hunting need Ecoclub on the occasion of "The hunt and the unsolved contradictions", a meeting organized in Pozzuolo del Friuli. As Serracchiani explained, there is a commitment by the Region to verify all the issues raised by the hunting world. Furthermore, not all instances will be satisfied, but all will be addressed.
The comparison revealed some of the criticalities of the Regional Wildlife Plan. According to the governor, the districts and reserves are the cornerstones of the hunting system: the hope is that the Region will be responsible for planning and control, but not the management part of the hunt. Among the main needs that emerged in the debate is that expressed by Paolo Viezzi, number one of Federcaccia Friuli.
Practically, there is a need for a contact person in the Region with an appropriate qualification for the daily management related to hunting. It will also be necessary to strengthen the dedicated regional service. Among the other interventions of the meeting were those of Rolando Della Vedova, president of Ekoclub Friuli, Fabio Merlini, president of Federcaccia Trieste, Adriano Piccoli, president of Federcaccia Udine, and the presidents of the various hunting districts.