As disclosed by Ilaria Dal Zovo, group leader of Movement 5 Stars in the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia, an amendment was passed authorizing the hunting of wild boars in night time as an aid to traditional hunting. Here are the words of the counselor, full of disappointment: “Here we go again. On each occasion the majority proposes pejorative norms in hunting theme.
As always, we opposed a rule that introduces the possibility of hunting ungulates at night, using laser pointers and light sources. In fact, now you can hunt for almost 22 hours. No escape, therefore, for the wild boars that usually go out to eat during the night.
In addition, the approved amendment presents clear profiles of unconstitutionality, as there are already sentences of the Supreme Court that go against the use of light sources for hunting ”. The text quoted by Dal Zovo is the bill number 54 "Omnibus", presented by Lega and Forza Italia.