Failed attempt
The attempt to abolish the hunt through a referendum it failed again. The CADAPA (Antispecist Committee for the Defense of Animals and the Environment) which had promoted the collection of signatures necessary to hold the popular consultation failed to achieve its objective. On 26 July 2023 he threw in the towel, at the end of the three-month term, justifying the failure with adverse climatic events which - words of the Committee itself - prevented the collection of the 500 signatures required by the Constitution. Therefore, the intention of what was declared by CADAPA itself to prolong the collection of the aforementioned signatures until mid-September appears unrealistic and not legitimate.
procedural modes
On this way of proceeding the Hunting Associations participating in the Control Room (Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, ANLC, ANUUM Migratoristi, Italcaccia and the CNCN National Hunting and Nature Committee) trust in the competent control activity of the Court of Cassation. To date, however, we need to take note of the new failure of referendum actions carried out by self-styled Anticaccia Associations.
Irregularities highlighted
The Associations gathered in the Control Room, always vigilant on the collection of signatures for the anti-hunt referendum promoted by CADAPA and other associations, in order to verify the regularity of the procedures adopted, will therefore be active in bringing evidence of such irregularities to the institutions responsible for the control, hoping that the matter will be resolved in full compliance with legal practices. The Control Room, with its active components, will also continue to supervise with its conscious trust for the continuity of the hunting exercise in compliance with the existing legislation (source: Federcaccia).