Bleu de Gascogne is a breed of French origin, known for being a very good one hound endowed with strength and elegance. In Italy it is quite widespread, also because the Gascogne family includes many similar subspecies. In this regard, we have decided to consider the Gascon Saintongeois.
The dog originally from south west of France, precisely the Gascony, it can be of two types grand and petit. The origin of the first is due to Count Joseph de Carrayon-Latour. During early nineteenth century wanting to regenerate the race of gods saintonge, now in decline, has decided to mate it with the Blue de Gascogne of the Baron of Ruble. Following the creation of the new breed, the disappearance of that of Count Carrayon-Latour took place. As for the petit, around mid-XNUMXth century some hunters of the southwest of France have begun to select i smaller subjects of the litters of Grand Gascon Saintongeois. The variety is particularly suitable for forcing hare.

The breed is characterized by the short and dense coat. The background color is White sometimes lightly tapped. The black notches they are generally found on the sides of the forehead, On ears until you arrive at guance. The eyes are framed by tan markings, the same can be found in the inner part of the ear and on the limbs. Some are characterized by a spot in the lower part of the thigh defined "brand of roe deer".
Il Gascon Saintongeois was born for hunting. Can be used for shooting hunting, but also knows how to act in move to force the wild. It is an excellent one approacher, hasty able to find traces even at night both on the ground and in the vegetation. He is not afraid of anything and is not a lazy animal. It has a modular voice which he uses to signal wounded prey or to lead one in front of the hunter. When it identifies it, it emits the first sounds, as it approaches the animal it amplifies them, while keeping it constant during the following.

Its search which may seem a little insistent, but it is effective in difficult conditions. He manages to dominate any phase of the search, from juxtapositions to shooting, because he manages to modulate the speed based on the danger. The Grand Gascon Saintongeois is ideal for forcing large wild and hares. The Petit Gascon Saintongeois even if small in size, it has the same shooting characteristics as the first. Even if it originated as hare specialist is able to hunt even i large wild. In fact, in cases of hunting large animals the dog shows great courage enough to keep the animal for a long time. There dedication which proves al master it pushes him to do whatever it takes to please him. Between him and the hunter a indissoluble and profound bond.