Un long applause, repeated several times, underlined the reading of the reasons with which the Italian Federation of Hunting awarded the honor of "Gentleman Hunter" to two men with a profoundly different professional profile, but united by a common denominator made of passion, commitment and deep love for hunting, its traditions and its highest values. A set of principles that each in his own way has cultivated and promoted throughout his life and that Federcaccia wanted to highlight, ideally thanking them on behalf of all hunters. Ugo Gussalli Beretta, former president of the homonymous Garda company which has become an international holding, e Bruno Lauro Vineyard, Piedmontese doctor passionate about "his" mountains, are now also united by this perhaps small, but significant certificate of merit. These are the reasons.
Ugo Gussalli Beretta - Internationally known for his qualities as an entrepreneur, under his leadership the ancient and prestigious family business dating back to 1526 took on a global reach becoming the leader of an international holding at the top in the arms sector without ever compromising the founding values of its history and of a Made in Italy that combines technological research and craftsmanship, love for beauty, aesthetic research and constructive perfection. Engaged in the social field, attentive to the needs and requirements of the community, he is a passionate hunter from an early age, a license holder for more than 65 years, committed to living and spreading the practice of modern hunting, made up of profound cultural values and strong traditions without ever losing sight of its necessary evolution. In addition to his personal example, he has contributed to this process of growth, defense and promotion of hunting, giving impetus and supporting during the course of his entrepreneurial activity the birth and development of sector associations such as ANPAM - National Association of Sport and Civil Weapons and Ammunition Manufacturers. , CNCN - National Hunting and Nature Committee and UNA Foundation (man, nature and environment), a new environmental chain that is committed to the protection and management of nature, contributing to the well-being of the community. For this constant and far-sighted commitment, the Italian Federation of Hunting confers on Cav. Ugo Gussalli Beretta the honor of "Gentleman Hunter".
Bruno Lauro Vineyard - Surgeon, he spent his working life at the service of the Piedmontese population, dedicating part of his time and professionalism to the weakest by taking part for several consecutive years in a health prevention and vaccination project in Burkina Faso, receiving during the his career numerous awards for his professional commitment. Passionate about all forms of hunting, but with his heart turned to his Alps, for Federcaccia he has been committed since his first hunting steps, holding positions that have gone from the municipal level to that of Provincial President of Cuneo to national ones. Member of the CIC where he still holds the position of President of the “Grand Gibier and Trophy Commission” of CIC Italy; he is also the founder and current Vice-President of the “Italian Faunal Biometric Academy” and has strongly contributed to the diffusion of Trofeistica and its technical and educational principles in our country. For many years, from 1981 to 1998, the UNCZA President gave the Alpine hunters sector attention to the hunting culture, founding the prestigious hunting magazine "Caccia Alpina", and to the dissemination of the principles of fauna management linked to selective harvesting. , borrowing the practices then widespread only in Central Europe, giving impetus to research and knowledge of the faunal heritage of the entire Alpine arc. For these merits, the Italian Federation of Hunting confers the honor of "Gentiluomo Cacciatore" to Doctor Bruno Lauro Vigna.
The sincere congratulations of the big family go to both of them Hunting Federation. That of "Gentiluomo Cacciatore" is the highest honor that Federcaccia provides for those who in their professional and sporting life have been an example of honor, bringing prestige to hunting and contributing to the affirmation and elevation of the noblest principles of hunting ethics. Since its inception in 1991, personalities such as Mario Rigoni Stern, Pier Luigi Vigna, Augusto Bocchini, Indro Montanelli, Paolo Bedoni, Fausto Coppi, Nevio Scala, Giuliano Incerpi, Bruno Modugno.