Massimo Buconi's comment
“I express in my name and in the name of the whole Federation that I sincerely wish the new Prime Minister, Hon. Giorgia Meloni, to all the new ministers, to the government team and to Parliament, in the interest of the country and, I say without pretense, of hunting ”is the comment of the national president of Federcaccia Massimo Buconi on the occasion of the inauguration of the new executive.
Good luck
"In particular - continued the President - I address a special 'Good luck' to the new Ministers of the Environment and Energy Safety Gilberto Pichetto Fratin and of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Francesco Lollobrigida".
The new ministers
"I hope on the part of the new government and in particular of the new ministers not an eye for consideration, but secular and objective positions, far from certain ideological 'guides' that have unfortunately always conditioned the issues of wildlife and environmental management in Italy, for a comparison serious, constructive and useful to society on the issues of our Association and the role of hunting and hunters "(source: Hunting Federation).