To know, given that: Article 21 of Law 157/92 as amended by Legislative Decree no. 91 of 2014 converted, with amendments, into law no. 116 of 2014 prohibits anyone from selling, holding to sell, transporting to sell, buying live or dead birds, as well as their easily recognizable parts or derivatives, even if imported from abroad, belonging to all species of naturally living birds in the state wild in the European territory of the Member States of the Union, with the exception of mallard, red partridge, Sardinian partridge, gray partridge, pheasant, wood pigeon.
The entry into force of the amendments to the national hunting law (157/92) effectively prevents the sale of any wild bird and it will not even be possible to import them from a non-European country because the legislator, to avoid triangulations, prevents the marketing and purchase of those species which, although coming from afar, also exist in the territories of the European states.
In the interpretation of the law, the centuries-old and traditional Brescia spit, the Bergamasque osei polenta rather than all the centuries-old traditional dishes typical of the culinary art of many Italian provinces, will not be able to consume small game if not only at home by hunters. themselves or by the recipients of the ornithological gift; that all this does not leave many spaces for action to hundreds of restaurateurs who have set their activity of a culinary art on typical local dishes in which small birds appear.
The amended law effectively puts at risk of closing the commercial activity of many merchants and consequently the dismissal of thousands of employees.
The amendments to art. 21 of the state law n. 157/92 were carried out without any European or international ruling or legislation requesting it; it is noted that in a moment of economic crisis such as the one we are facing, it was decided to ban without reason the trade in birds or parts of them legitimately captured or killed in other countries, I believe it is short-sighted and certainly harmful to the economy of the our country.
You ask:
If, given the economic and social damage that the amended law is creating to thousands of citizens and workers, it does not deem it appropriate to assess the circumstances described above and ascertain the gravity of the situation, what urgent measures it intends to adopt to solve the problem.
Hon. Stefano Borghesi
question for answer in committee